Alpha in a Catholic Context
An invitation for every Catholic Parish
‘The joy of the gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded.’
Pope Francis
Many Catholic parishes have seen Alpha have a transformative effect on their community, by both welcoming people who have never heard the gospel message before and reawakening the faith in those who have.
Join us each month for a live webinar event with inspiring church leaders across the UK who have seen Alpha thrive and grow. Each session we’ll be looking at a different topic that will help see the impact and reach of Alpha increase.
In our most recent Masterclass we were joined by Canon David Boyd (Parish Priest at St John Bosco & St Bernadette’s in Erskine, Paisley), Fr Stephen Langridge (Parish priest at St Elizabeth of Portugal in Richmond, London) and Allegra Mutanda (Director of Evangelisation & Leadership at St Peter & the Winchester Martyrs in Winchester) to explore what Alpha is, how they have seen Alpha impacting their parishes and unpacking the age-old misconception ‘Alpha isn’t Catholic enough!’
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks.
Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha can be a great tool for evangelisation, creating a space in parishes where everyone is welcome.
Learn more about Alpha
Where does Alpha fit in a Catholic context?
A key part of any Alpha is the Alpha Day so why not join the Alpha UK Catholic Context team for an online Come & See Alpha Day. The team will guide you through a sample Alpha Day where we will explore the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, model how we pray with guests and you can ask all your burning questions.
Already running Alpha?
If you are already running Alpha in your local Catholic parish or community, we would love to help you to grow it!
Visit our Grow page
Are Alpha & Catholicism compatible?
In short, yes, but don’t take our word for it, see what others have to say!
Hyeres Parish
St Ignatius of Loyola
Alpha UK Catholic Context Team
Whether you are hesitant about Alpha or want support in growing your Alpha, we would love to talk to you!
Feel free to get in touch with us.
Michael Roche
Hi there, I’m the Catholic Context Development Coordinator for Alpha UK. It is my great pleasure to serve parishes and Catholic chaplaincies across the four nations of the UK by helping them use Alpha effectively to fulfil the mission given them by Jesus: to make disciples and change the world around them in the power of the Holy Spirit. My passion is to see Catholic parishes become famous for their radical hospitality, their radiant joy and as places where people know that God is present and active. If you share this passion I’d love to connect with you and see how Alpha can help you make it a reality in your area.