Alpha in Chinese

Ready to run? Register your course on MyAlpha
準備好開辦啟發? 在 MyAlpha 登記你的課程
The Chinese Alpha Film Series is Alpha’s first fully contextualised version of the Alpha Film Series. Filmed entirely in Chinese, the series allows audiences to explore the Christian faith through culturally relevant content in their own language. The series is filmed in seven locations around the world. Rev. Andrew Chai is joined by two hosts and other renowned leaders to unpack the basics of the Christian faith in an updated and engaging way. CAFS is available in Mandarin, and Cantonese dubbed, with Traditional or Simplified Chinese subtitle options.
Chinese Alpha Film Series
《華人啟發》是啟發影片系列首個完全本土化的版本。整個系列以中文製作,目的是讓華人觀眾可以透過自己的語言及文化來探索基督信仰。華人啟發影片在全球7個地點拍攝,由蔡頌輝牧師、兩位年輕的主持人以及在華人社群具有影響力的人物,以引人入勝的方式來介紹基督信仰中的各種話題。華人啟發設有普通話版 (繁/簡體字幕) 和粵語配音版 (繁體字幕)。
Series Options 影片系列選擇
Chinese Alpha
Film Series
Modelled after the Alpha Film Series, the Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) presents the same opportunity for Chinese-speaking guests to explore the basics of the Christian faith through a Chinese worldview. With local testimonies and sharing by local experts, the CAFS presents the Gospel as a truth that transcends cultural barriers and is applicable in the lives and contexts of the guests.
以啟發影片系列為藍本,《華人啟發》(CAFS) 為中文參加者提供了一個以華人觀點來探索基督信仰基礎的機會。透過華人的見證和專家的分享,華人啟發呈現一個超越文化框架,與所有華人參加者的生活和處境也息息相關的福音真理。
Alpha Next Gen Series (Cantonese)
啟發新世代系列 (粵語)
Alpha Next Gen Series is a mini-film series made in Hong Kong, for Hong Kong people. It is hosted in Cantonese by Chapman Fu and Matches Mak and delivers the unchanging message of salvation to this digital generation of any age. (To access, change your MyAlpha language settings to Traditional Chinese.)
《啟發新世代系列》是一個香港自家製的微電影系列。由 Chapman傅卓敏及 Matches麥濬思以廣東話主持,向現今數碼新世代不同年齡的人傳遞神那永恆不變的救贖訊息。 (請轉換 MyAlpha介面為繁體中文以瀏覽此系列)
Alpha Cantonese
Teen Series
Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) is designed to engage youth in conversations about life, faith and Jesus. ACTS has been totally reimagined for today’s youth culture. Through 13 engaging talks, ACTS creates a space for the youth to explore and develop a relationship with Jesus. (To access, change your MyAlpha language settings to Traditional Chinese.)
《啟發少青系列粵語版》ACTS是專為青少年度身訂造,按現今的青少年文化重新構思的啟發系列,透過13集的互動對話空間,讓青少年與耶穌建立關係,開展探索人生和信仰的旅程。(請轉換 MyAlpha介面為繁體中文以瀏覽此系列)
Alpha Film Series (Chinese subtitles)
啟發影片系列 (中文字幕)
The Alpha Film Series unpacks the basics of the Christian faith in an engaging way. It was filmed all around the world, and features interviews with world-famous leaders and inspiring stories.
Get in touch
Got questions about Alpha in Chinese? Chat to our Chinese Alpha Lead, Angus.
有問題關於中文啟發? 請與我們的中文啟發事工主任 Angus 傳道聯絡。
You can find our printed Chinese Alpha resources on our Alpha UK Shop.