Giving to Alpha
Your support makes it possible for anyone, anywhere to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment through Alpha. Thank you for making this transformation possible.
Other ways to give
Give Regularly
There are four ways to do this:
Use the form above (under 'Give Now') to set up a monthly recurring credit/debit card donation, selecting the option: "Make this a monthly gift".
Set up a standing order with your bank, using the details below, and contact us to let us know. Please include in the reference your first name initial, followed by your surname.
Payable to: Alpha International
Account number: 84503092
Sort code: 60-04-04Give through a charitable aid agency such as Stewardship, JustGiving, CAF, Charities Trust, or Charitable Giving.
Give through your employer's Payroll Giving scheme, if one is available. See below: "Tax-Efficient Giving".
Tax Efficient Giving
UK tax payers
If you are a UK tax payer (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax through the government's Gift Aid scheme, you will need to make a Gift Aid declaration to us. The easiest way to do this is through the giving form above (under 'Give Now').
Alternatively, please fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing Gift Aid declaration.
This allows us to reclaim 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you.
Higher rate UK tax payers
If you pay higher or additional rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return. Alternatively, you may pass on this extra tax to Alpha by giving via your employer's payroll giving scheme.
Payroll Giving
Giving via Payroll Giving means you give 'pre-tax'. You can therefore pass on the full benefit of your tax to Alpha immediately.
For Higher Rate and Additional Rate taxpayers, this increases your charitable donation by the amount of the tax you would have paid on the donation if you’d kept it as income - 67% or 82% respectively, an increase of 33% and 45% over Gift Aid.
If you are a Basic Rate taxpayer, Payroll Giving would increase your donations by 25%, which is the same as a Gift Aid declaration.
US tax payers
If you would like to give to Alpha International and need a US tax receipt then please donate at support.alphausa.org and select Alpha International from the ‘designation’ drop-down.
Asia Pacific Residents
If you would like to give to Alpha International and live in Asia Pacific then please visit asiapacific.alpha.org/giving where you can give online directly to the region.
To Leave a Legacy
If you are considering making a bequest to Alpha International, have already included a gift to Alpha International in your will and would like to talk to somebody, or require more information about legacy giving, then please feel free to contact us at giving@alpha.org or call +44 (0)20 7052 0460. This information will be treated in confidence and is not binding in any way.
Contact Us
Contact the giving team:
Alpha International Giving Team
Holy Trinity Brompton
Brompton Road
+44 (0)2070 520200