Coffee with Bake Off's Benjamina

I think food is an amazing way to bring people together

It's 10am Wednesday morning and the nation is already going wild on Twitter in excitement for this evening's Great British Bake Off, or better known as #GBBO to the world of social media. But it's not all soggy bottoms, handshakes with Hollywood and Mel and Sue's dad jokes... or is it? Well, I'm about to find out as I go for a cuppa with this year's contestant (and star baker) Benjamina.

What was the best part of being on the Bake Off?

The best part would probably be meeting 11 other amazing bakers! We all got on so well from the very beginning and are good friends now. They are all so wonderful and it's great being able to share tips and recipes.

What was your least favourite part?

My least favourite part was probably baking under so much pressure! At home I'm such a leisurely baker and enjoy taking a whole day to make something. So it was definitely a big adjustment!

What would your Top Tips be for any bakers out there?

A few Top Tips I have would be to practise, practise, practise! It can be a bit disheartening when a bake doesn't turn out the way you'd like but it's important to keep going and always look for ways you can improve something.

I would say it's also important to invest in some good equipment. It doesn't have to be super expensive but baking can really be affected by the quality of your tools so it's worth getting a good set of tins!

How did your faith help you on the show?

I think my faith really gave me a sense of peace about the whole process. I'm grateful that God blessed me with such an amazing opportunity and I was able to really enjoy it knowing that the outcome wouldn't define me.

How has your experience of food been linked with community?

I think food is an amazing way to bring people together and being able to share food with others is such a blessing - for those who have prepared it and for those who receive. It's becomes personal and for me food is a beautiful way to help grow in relationship with each other.

A lot of people who bake for their Alpha groups have limited time and resources, what would you say to them?

I would say don't get too caught up in trying to make something really fancy or extravagant.  In my experience, people are really grateful when something has been home made. So even you bake something quite simple, the fact that you've taken the time out to do so will be appreciated.

We're all dying to know... what’s Mary Berry really like?

Mary is absolutely wonderful! She is so lovely and  just full of baking knowledge and great tips.

Read Benjamina's personal recipes on her blog by clicking here. 

Got a recipe you want to share? Get in touch with us and we may share it on our Twitter and Facebook for everyone to enjoy!


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